
Together as a Family we are embarking on a wonderful journey....here we can share the best times of our lives!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My kids!

Had parent teacher conferences today.  It was a little hard getting there.  Had to make sure everyone was home ok and the little guys were taken care of.

Of course I was running a little late, who schedules conferences 5 minutes after picking kids up, oh I do!  Ben was first.  I always go into Ben's with an open mind and a deep breath.  Ben had not always liked school and it is hard because he is so smart and when he applies himself to the topic he is an A student.  I love his teacher this year.  She is young and very sweet, but she means business.  I was really pleased with Ben and his hard work this semester.  Along with his teacher we both have seen him take charge of his school work and really try to get everything done.  Finally he loves to read, which I thought we would never get there.  Ben is the kind of kid that he won't do it until he is ready.  All-in-all it was a wonderful conference.

Sarah has loved school this year as well.  She is doing awesome and has found it to be an easy year.  Her teacher did mention that she is seeking more attention than normal.  I think she is feeling that "middle child" thing.  I need to spend more special time with her.

Megan is my student.  She would live at school if she was allowed.  The girl always has her face in a book and loves to come home and share what she learned that day.  She didn't get the brains from me!  She got it from her Dad and her Aunt Jenny, who took most of the brains in the family along with Beth.

I love being a Mom!  I love to be part of my children's lives and being there to help them reach their potential!  I am in awe as I see the sweet little people growing so fast into young people and facing little bits of the world.  I pray everyday that I am doing what I am suppose to, to help prepare them for what's out there.  As Ben approached Jr. High next year I am full of worry for him and what an eye opener it will be.  It is that first step into putting your child out there and seeing if they can hold their own and make those decisions we have been teaching them about.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Thumbs up! You do have awesome kids! I am so happy to hear that conferences went well. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!