
Together as a Family we are embarking on a wonderful journey....here we can share the best times of our lives!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Josh 3 & Isaac 4

Well, another year down and boy has it flown by!  We got Isaac potty trained and into a big boy bed and now we have Josh potty trained and sort of in a big boy bed.

Josh and Isaac have brought so much laughter and joy to our home.  You ask the older kids and they say they have brought a lot of extra noise.

If you ever need a super hero we have spiderman and batman.

They travel together and always have some one to talk to.

They always have a drinking buddy.

They always have someone to do a shaved ice run with.

They do have to share one of their favorite ladies when she come into town.  It can be hard some times being one of their grandmas.    

They always have some one to suck pacifiers with. Hoping that will be ending very soon!

Always have some one to go play outside with.

Always have some one to play the other guys with.

These two are best friends and I am so lucky to be their mom.

Happy Birthday Isaac and Josh


Cece Girl said...

Awwww....LOVE this post. Just precious...they will love these pics when they get older.

The Johnson's said...

I just love those 2 guys... this post will come in handy one day when maybe they don't want to share something, then you can remind them what kind of friendship they have.