
Together as a Family we are embarking on a wonderful journey....here we can share the best times of our lives!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Painting the house

Does anyone know a good shrink? We have decided to paint our house and what a job. For those who don't know we have moved and it is our new house we are painting. We knew when we bought the house we wanted to paint it, but I thought we would never get to it. We started looking at colors about a month ago and had to go through about seven colors. Lets just say the paint store knows Greg by name. Once we decide on our color we rented a power washer and washed the whole house. That was fun, and easy. With 10 gallons of paint and we got started. So far we have only had accident, me falling off the latter. I'm okay, but I have the biggest, ugliest bruise you have ever seen, and I think I gave Greg a heart attach. We have most of the front done and a little less the half the back done. If any one wants to know I do not suggest painting your house. I do have to say we are having alot of fun doing it and I can't wait for the finished result.


Jenny said...

You are so brave! I love the color and think it looks fabulous. Adrian likes it too.

Unknown said...

Cow Bell, Shoot girl! Don't be falling off ladders we'd like to see you next time we visit. The color looks awesome. Good luck with the rest, and keep us posted.

Unknown said...

YEAH!!! in now in the blogging circle. I thinks its a great way to keep informed about family that you don't get to see all that often.
What a huge project your taking on painting your house. Love the color.
Your kids are so cute. Sarah's bag is bigger than her, how cute.
Keep bloggin.