
Together as a Family we are embarking on a wonderful journey....here we can share the best times of our lives!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

I am no longer seeing Red!

From the moment I saw it, it needed to go!!  We have been in this house for 4 years and have done a lot of stuff to it.  The first thing I wanted to do was to paint the red room.  It was dark and sad and not our thing.

The problem was that the wood work was very dark blue! I love to paint but this was overwhelming to me.  We finally got someone in here to paint it for us ( that was hard to do)!

We had to have the whole room sprayed even the doors!  So glad that I didn't have to do any of that!

After a week of Randy (the paint guy) in our house I was ready for this to all be done!  The boys had a lot of questions for Randy and were every interested in what he was doing, had to block off the room to keep the inquisitive little people.

Now we have our "Family Office".

Our vision for this room was to have a place where anyone in the family could have a quiet place to go and study, play the piano, read a book, or just get away from the noise.  

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Dentist!!

In May I took all 5 kids to the dentist for check ups.  It was Josh and Isaac's first time.  They were very excited and full of questions.

Isaac was the first to go and he was so excited! He jumped right up on the chair and let the assistant do her job.  He thought he was so cool and quite the big boy.  

The thing he liked the most was the TV in the ceiling! He put his ear phones on and said "Mom dis is so tool!"  I was waiting outside in the waiting room and could hear a kid laughing. I went in to check on Isaac and he was in there laughing his head off at the cartoon.  He is a funny kid!

Josh was the last to go and he was a little nervous to go.  Big brother Ben went right before him to show him how fun it was.  

He liked the TV and it helped a lot to distract him.

Everyone came out with no cavities and clean teeth!

We have began the road of braces with Ben! We are hoping to begin this summer but first I am going to have to sell one of my kids to be able to pay for it all!!  Braces are crazy expensive!!  

I found my camera!

For the past month I could not remember where I had put my camera!!  I knew the last time I had it was at Easter, but after that, I couldn't tell ya.

Luckily my sister Jenny had found it at my Aunt Jane's house where we had easter and had even told me she had it, but me and my brain aren't up to par these days. Life is very full and busy.

So this post will be a catch up of the last few months.  It has been a fun 3 months and a lot has been going on in the Gordon home.

In March we lost our minds and bought 6 baby chicks!!  We are hoping for many eggs (my family loves eggs) and a great experience for all of us.

They are much bigger now and Greg has built an awesome house for them.  I will post that later.


In April we started off the month with Megan getting glasses!! She resisted for a while but it made it better that she only need them to see the board and to watch TV.  I think see look beautiful!!

Not the best picture.
Next, we add some huge rocks to our landscaping!  We did it all on our own(Greg did it all on his own) and it turned out really nice!

I think he flipped the machine 3 times!! Each rock weighed at least 300 lbs!

Megan had her final Ballroom performance and did an awesome job!  She is very eager to start next school year! She can really shake her booty!!

(I had a Birthday and so did Greg)

Next we took a day trip with my sister Jenny and her family to Ogden and visited the Tree House Museum. I found out about it on a blog that I follow and I'm sure glad I did.  It is an amazing place! We had a ball!

That is our future! I think they will make awesome leaders!

Ben did a great job of going with the flow.  I tried really hard to find fun thing to do.

After hanging out at the museum we headed to a restaurant to fill our tummies.  We were quite the sight with our big crew.  It was really fun!   

After the museum we found an old train that the kids could climb and play on.  The kids really likes it especially one little boy Isaac. 

When you have to go you have to go!!

Isaac had his Easter party at pre-school and I got to go help out!  It is always fun to see your kids in a setting where you aren't in charge. 

These pictures aren't the best.  I had to take them with me phone.

Here's the class listening to a story after making their easter ears.

Isaac and his ears
 We has a wonderful Easter holiday!  We had our big family bash at Auntie Jane's house and had a ton of fun! She always puts on a great party.  There was plenty of food, and candy to feed and army.  When you think about though, we are becoming a small army!

Run as fast as you can and find those eggs!

Jane found a sling shot this year and used it to throw out candy to the kids!

Nora and Josh eating their candy as fast as they can!

Good looking group of kids!

That looks like a bunch of trouble!!

 Have had a full few months with much more to come!!