My Mom
My mom is a wonderful example to me. I feel very lucky to be her daughter. Yes I gave her a hard time as a kid. All the naughty things I did and just being a big pain in the butt. I wish I could have figured it out so much sooner, but Mom I want you to know how much I truly appreciate all that you did and do for me. Being a mom myself I am starting to have my eyes open to all the big and little things you did for me. I am sooooo lucky to have a mom like you. You have supported me in everything I have ever did. You have always be there for me and you always seem to know when I need you even though we live so far way. I know I can always call you and you will listen and say the exact thing I need to hear. You are always there to tell me to think straight and not to over react. And we know how good I am at over reacting.
Mom, I want you to know that it is through your example and the women that you are that has helped me and shown me how a mother should be.
I hear many times women say how they wish there was a manual that came with kids. Well there is and it is the wonderful mothers that are in our lives that are there to help us down the tuff roads and to be there when we hit a bump or there to help us back on our feet when we fall down. I couldn't make it as far as I have if it wasn't for my Mom and her love and support. I love you Mom!
Happy Mothers Day!